-English Grammar
Vad roligt att äntligen få lära sig hur det skall vara!
Never forget the fact that learning a language is just like building a house.
If you're old enough to know what a house is like in general terms,
you're also old enough to know where to start, right?
Yes, you start by building a very good and solid foundation.
Anything else is simply a waste of time and money, not to mention wits...
Gram 1 - Del 1 ]
In this section you will find a number of
language exercises,
articles and links to pages and sites covering the various grammar and
vocabulary topics most oftenly confusing
or difficult to both Scandinavians (Swedes, Norwegians & Danes) and
(Anglo-Saxons= people from the English-speaking countries Australia,
Canada, Ireland, New Zeeland, the United Kingdom and the U.S.A.).
På den här sidan samt underordnade sidor så
kommer du att finna ett antal språkövningar,
förklarande och beskrivande textstycken, sidor och artiklar [samt länkar
till olika sidor och "sajter"
som behandlar de olika grammatikregler och aspekter som så ofta skapar
för både skandinaver och människor från den s.k. "anglosaxiska världen"
(Anglosaxiska världen= Australien, Storbritannien, Canada, Irland, Nya
Zeeland och U.S.A.).
Why English Teachers Are Important - A Story
This reminds me of a
trip I made to Aspen many years ago.
There was a woman at work who told me before I left that she would like
me to send her a postcard from there,
because she collected
This woman was in her forties at the time and was the original case of
mutton dressed up as lamb.
When I got to Aspen, I found the perfect
card for her.
It read "Aspen - The weather is here, wish you were beautiful."
After I sent it I felt a bit guilty but it was too late to do anything
about it.
When I got back to Sydney this woman came up to me
and said the postcard was one of the sweetest things anyone had ever
done for her.
I couldn’t figure it out until I realised that she had
it as "The weather is here, wish you were, beautiful."
pronunciation uttal
Swedish svenska
letters & letters
stavning bokstav
stavning bokstäver
Vill du bli duktig på engelska?
Studerar du nu i det svenska gymnasiet eller i högskolan?
Gram 1 - Del 1
Slutar här, ja.
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