Engelskan är ju konsekvent i detta avseende till
skillnad från svenskan beträffande hantering av namn.
Söndag likväl som mars och september och Kalle och Sigrid är ju alla namn,
och ska också därmed ha stor bokstav.
Så är alltid fallet i engelskan men tyvärr icke i svenskan där man
använder liten bokstav på såväl dagsnamn, helger som månadsnamn.
Gram 1 - Del 3
Man kan uttala "Sunday"
och "sundae" likadant så det blir ju den s.k. kontexten, sammanhanget, som
avgör betydelsen.
Som svensk kan man knappast påstå att detta skulle vara en oöverstiglig
svårighet med uttryck som "Får får får?"
eller "Som man får man utstå vad man förtjänar." samt ett därmed
förknippat språkligt dilemma som "Hästen har man!"
Nog kan språk synas outgrundliga, ibland...
Now spend a few minutes on your vocabulary and
the word 'chip' (s).
Think of all the
different variations in meaning you can come
up with
(translated into Swedish).
Put the word in context
(Write sentences!). Define the word in each
What are the various meanings of the word
chip/-s you can come up with?
Use both American and British dictionaries.
Without the two you are likely to (you will)
Is there such a thing
as a chipmunk (chip-muck)?
And what about a 'chip-shot',
where I've heard some people confuse it with
'cheap shot'…?
Numerable are those instances when it's been a
question of trying to establish certainty
as to whether or not somebody means 'who' or
I mean if someone asks you "How is it?" or
"Who is it?" obviously might cause some confusion,
especially if you're in a hectic business
environment, or even worse, at an emergency ward.
Having said that, we're getting awfully close
to all those pronunciation errors
basically depending upon difficulties making a correct distinction
between 'sh' and 'ch' leading to 'sheep' becoming 'cheap' or vice versa,
and 'chip' and 'ship' will further complicate the issue.
Stress of syllables
not taken into consideration as in 'sheet' and 'shit.
You've probably heard about the guy who came
down to the reception desk
of a hotel on the East Coast
trying to get a clean sheet to his bed.
The desk-clerk misinterpreted the whole story
into the more embarrassing idea
that the guest in question had simply "shit in
his bed"…
You've probably heard about ...
-In case that cactus stays (above this line), click your Refresh Button!
The longer the
the better! -Längden har betydelse...
SKA använda minst 12 tecken och mixA stoRleken samt ETT PAR
"symboltecken" typ * ^ # £ $.
Why English Teachers Are Important - A Story
This reminds me of a
trip I made to Aspen many years ago.
There was a woman at work who told me before I left that she would like
me to send her a postcard from there,
because she collected
This woman was in her forties at the time and was the original case of
mutton dressed up as lamb.
When I got to Aspen, I found the perfect
card for her.
It read "Aspen - The weather is here, wish you were beautiful."
After I sent it I felt a bit guilty but it was too late to do anything
about it.
When I got back to Sydney this woman came up to me
and said the postcard was one of the sweetest things anyone had ever
done for her.
I couldn’t figure it out until I realised that she had
it as "The weather is here, wish you were, beautiful."
Vill du bli duktig på
engelska? Studerar du nu i det svenska gymnasiet eller i högskolan?
Prova i lugn och ro de olika länkarna på den här
Här finns mycket att lära och öva, saker som du aldrig kommer att finna i
"den vanliga" undervisningen.
"What is
Gramster ?
Gramster is a grammar package which
helps you to improve your English using
40 grammatical points.
The software is also fully authorable.
pedagogical approach is modern and
the subjects are related to the
grammatical points which deal with
daily life and today's citizen
At the end of each level are 10 tests for reviewing and
evaluating the progress achieved.
The network version allows you to follow
your students' progress and can be
used on a same site with an unlimited
number of PCs!
The CD-ROMs are delivered with a study guide.
The students
can try all exercises (answers
are provided).
All explanations are in
English (or in French), depending
on the language you select."
What about other grammar aspects & parts such as adverbs?
Hur är det med skrivandet och skrivförmågan?
Vet du hur man egentligen skall skriva en mening, ett stycke, eller en hel berättelse?
A helpful review on writing
Fragments for additional information
on thoughts that cannot stand by themselves and sentences known as
"stylistic fragments".
See how various
types of sentences, structurally, are defined, with examples etc...
1001 Pitfalls in English Grammar |
Vincent Hopper, Professor of English, N.Y. Univ |
Barron's Educational Series, Inc. |
An Advanced English Grammar |
Christophersen & Sandved |
Better English |
R. Gee & C. Watson |
Usborne Publishing Ltd |
De engelska prepositionerna |
Sverker Brorström |
Esselte Studium |
Engelska prepositionsboken |
Stieg Hargevik |
Esselte Ordbok |
Engelska prepositionsövningar inkl facit |
Stieg Hargevik |
Studentlitteratur |
Engelsk grammatik |
Elfstrand & Gabrielson |
Språkförlaget |
Engelsk universitetsgrammatik |
Jan Svartvik & Olof Sager |
Esselte |
English Grammar |
Erlich & Murphy |
McGraw-Hill Book Company |
English Verb Conjugations |
Vincent Hopper |
Barron's Educational Series, Inc. |
Hargeviks engelska grammatik |
Stieg Hargevik & Christina Hargevik |
Almqvist & Wiksell |
Modern engelsk grammatik |
Jan Svartvik & Olof Sager |
Almqvist & Wiksell |
The American College Dictionary |
Random House, Inc. |
The Oxford Guide to the English Language |
Oxford University Press |
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