Waiting for Somebody to Wait on You

You are in a restaurant, hopefully through the main entrance door.

There is  (you see) a sign saying "Please wait to be seated".

Whether you want to sit in the Smoking Section or not, "Would you like to sit next to the window?"
 or "Do you prefer to be seated close to the entrance and restrooms?" 

... or, view of the Pacific if possible, now that you've asked me.
This may be on your mind (your thoughts),
 especially if you are bringing good friends, family, or a loved one.
You want everything to be just right. 
 . . . and asked about what you would like to drink.

 Food, drinks, beverages, the works, all at once ?

There may be many restaurants,
 and there are many ways of ordering, eating and drinking.

If you can spare the time, which might be the case if you are going out, dining, in the evening,
 it's worth suggesting you order beverages only, to start with.

 . . .  taste your drinks, make your orders, and enjoy yourselves.

And, when you are seated with good company at a restaurant at night, especially so when there's nice scenery,
soft music and a nice crowd inside. . .

 Never does the food taste better.

While glancing at the menu, you are actually waiting for somebody to wait on you.

Yes, funny as it seems, you wait for a person when you want him or her to come.


. . .   which means that he or she will attend to your orders and demands
 or requirements during the course of the meal and your stay inside the restaurant.
It is called to wait on a person when you give service or attention to somebody.

The job of a waitress is waiting on customers, or waiting on tables, as is also the phrase.

In a restaurant, waiting on a person means to give service to that person, or guest.

This is true of other circumstances as well and doesn't pertain to the restaurant trade only.

 . . .  you will also be asked whether or not you want soup or salad, and if so,
which kind, what sort. There is usually a variety of both.

. . .  you have the option of helping yourself to the salad at the salad bar (salad counter).
   Here you will find not only salad ingredients such as lettuce,
onion, brussel sprouts, cauli flower, carrots, mushrooms, corn and grated cheese,
but also items such as breadcrumbs and a variety of dressing that, in some instances,
 you have never dreamed of, all included in the meal, of course.



 This  may be extraordinary compared to  standards in Sweden.

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