At the Keyboard









1. By clicking/pressing (the) ALT (key) you will come (get) to the menu.

Genom att klicka/trycka på ALT(-knappen) kommer man till menyn.



2. How many keys are there on a keyboard ?

Hur många tangenter (knappar)  finns det på ett tangentbord?



3. She had never been able to start her PC before that particular Wednesday.

Hon hade aldrig kunnat starta sin PC tidigare/före den där (speciella) onsdagen.



4. What differences are there between software and hardware ?

Vilka skillnader finns det mellan mjukvara och hårdvara?



5. Could you move the cursor to the lower left corner.

Skulle du kunna flytta markören till nedre vänstra hörnet.



6. Do you often do this kind of work on (reparera, eller göra något åt  eller med, hårdvaran) your PC? 

-Do you often do/carry out/produce this kind of work with you PC?

Gör du ofta så'nt (sådant) här arbete med/ på din PC ?



7. Where did all the figures in the right column go?

Vart tog alla siffror vägen som var i högra kolumnen?  











få, komma, hämta, skaffa, bli
(samt  "resa sig" & 'stiga' som i "stiga upp" ...

get - got - got /get - got - gotten



-Get it!  



-Go get it!



     -Got it?


-Got it. 



-Get up!


-Get lost!


-Get it on!  


-Get well!


-Get it done, and get it over with!


-Get it up!  


-Try to get along with what you have. (manage)


-I've got something in my left eye.


-Instead of talking so much, let's get on with it (make progress)


 -Get organized!


-Get your act together!  


-Don't you dare getting drunk again!


-Don't get smart with me!  

-It has got (gotten) better by the day.  


-There are so many clouds that it is getting dark already.  (becoming)


-Could you please get me a sandwich?


-Do you think you'll get back here again?



-I think she got hold of him down on Mesa Drive, west of Franklin Mountains,
not far from Festival Street.


-Getting together like that, by the pool and everything, sometimes proves hazardous.


-Get me the proper information on this one (article) and we're home free.


-Get your rear in gear and move your cursor!  


That particular student always got away with his cheating.  (evade discovery of)


-How will you get home?  


-Don't let that get to your  head.


-You might get there ahead of me.


-It'll get a whole lot better as we move along down this narrow path.




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