Till att börja med så är det Alla hjärtans dag den 14 februari.
Då skall vi ägna våra kära och nära, vänner och familj, en varm tanke,
och förhoppningsvis, i de fall det låter sig göras,
något mer än så.

Det är inte något nytt att människor söker kunskap, och bildar sig, såväl andligt som akademiskt. Allt sker inte alltid inom skolans ram.
Vissa vaknar senare än andra.

Den 26 februari 1839  föddes på ett torpställe i Bohuslän, under Bro prästgård, den blivande livräddaren, bokhållaren, förvaltaren, filosofen
och  astronomen August Mattson.

August hamnade så småningom söder om Hallsberg, där han bodde i 19 ½ år på Bockön i sjön Tisaren.
Sjön är belägen cirka en mil söder om Hallsberg i Närke, Örebro Län.

Vilka outgrundliga vägar leder till en sådan plats? Ön är inte nämnvärt större än en traditionell villatomt.

Nog borde vi hinna med att ägna August en del uppmärksamhet, även om hjulen numera snurrar i allt vidare banor, och allt fortare.

Filosofi, språk, och socialt engagemang, har många konkreta beröringspunkter med August Mattson.

För många intresserade har han kanske mer än många andra med sitt liv gestaltat livet bland medmänniskor,
och med sin tragiska levnadshistoria för oss andra dokumenterat ett lysande exempel på vad det kan innebära att vara människa.

Verkar inte detta begripligt så kan det bottna i att Augusts liv inte heller varit begripligt för många i vår omgivning.

Kanske var olycklig kärlek, hur trivialt det än kan synas i ett större samanhang,
en tänkbar orsak och förklaring till det mycket märkliga levnadsödet "Mannen på Bockön".

Vidare läsning om August Mattson finns i form av boken Enslingen på Bockön av Evert "Salbo" Sahlberg, tidigare lokalredaktör för Nerikes  Allehanda,
verksam i Hallsberg under många år. Vidare finns att läsa i boken En krönika om Hallsberg av Nils Samzelius, utgiven av Almqvist & Wiksells 1962.


August Mattsson


Alla Hjärtans Dag

Vacker natur ser du bland annat uppe i skogarna söder om Hallsberg
Tisarens vatten



Karta Tisaren-Hallsberg






Nerikes Allehanda, Örebro




Valentine & Valentine's Day, February 14th 

Alla hjärtans dag 14 februari

Att fira Alla hjärtans dag den 14 februari är som exempelvis Fars dag, och får alltmer uppmärksamhet. 
Det nutida firandet har sina rötter i  U.S.A.
 I engelsktalande länder har Valentindagen firats sedan 1300-talet med att man skickar en liten present eller ett kort
 till någon man tycker om.

När gav du någon en kram senast?

Bjud denne "någon" på bio, teater eller middag eller ge bort en (hjärtformad?)chokladask,

utan någon annan anledning än att vara vänlig.








Love Songs & Poems Mix; Thru the Years . . .

"To Althea, From Prison" by Richard Lovelace  "Perfect Woman" by William Wordsworth "Only Wanna Be With You" by Hootie and the Blowfish
"She Walks in Beauty" by Lord Byron, George Gordon "Surprised by Joy" by William Wordsworth "Not Enough Time" by INXS
"Once Like A Spark" by E.E.  Cummings "Loving In Truth" by Sir Phillip Sidney "Stand By Me" by Ben E. King
"To Jane" by Percy Bysshe Shelley   "Like A Prayer" by Madonna
"Love is Enough" by Morris "My True Love Hath My Heart" by Sir Phillip Sidney "Possession" by Sarah Mclachlan
"Drifting Away" by Tom Brinck "Love" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge "Head Over Feet" by Alanis Morissette
"Love, Love" by Pedro Calderon de la Barca "Recollections of Love" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge "I Know You're Out There Somewhere" by The Moody Blues
"Love In the Valley" by George Meredith "The Presence of Love" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge "Want to Be With You" by The Moody Blues
"Lament for Her Absent Lord" by Lady Surrey "To ****" by John Keats "Live Forever" by Oasis
"Home They Brought Her Warrior Dead" by Alfred Tennyson "Isolation: To Margeurite" by Matthew Arnold "Wonderwall" by Oasis
"Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal" by Alfred Tennyson "To ____________" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning "Next to You" by The Police
"Tears, Idle Tears" by Alfred Tennyson "The Revelation" by Coventry Patmore "Bridge Over Troubled Water" by Simon and Garfunkel
"Her Immortality" by Thomas Hardy "Her Voice" by Oscar Wilde "When a Man Loves a Woman" by Percy Sledge
"The Passionate Sheperd to His Love" by Christopher Marlowe "Everything I Do..." by Bryan Adams "Fields of Gold" by Sting
"A Poet to His Beloved" by William Butler Yeats "Heaven" by Bryan Adams "All I Want Is You" by U2
"He Gives His Beloved Certain Rhymes" by William Butler Yeats "Be With You" by The Bangles "I Will Follow" by U2
"Love in A Life" by John Wilmot "Eternal Flame" by The Bangles "With Or Without You" by U2
"The Maid's Lament" by Landor "And I Love Her" by The Beatles "Save the Best For Last" by Vanessa Williams
"Among the Ruins" by Robert Browning "From Me to You" by The Beatles "Only You" by Yaz
"Definition of Love" by Andrew Marvell "Here, There, and Everywhere" by The Beatles "Love In a Life" by Robert Browning
"The Fair Singer" by Andrew Marvell "I Need You" by The Beatles "Life In A Love" by Robert Browning
"I Hid My Love" by John Clare "It's Only Love" by The Beatles "from the Portuguese XLIII" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
"My Love's like a Red, Red Rose" by Robert Burns "PS: I Love You" by The Beatles "from the Portuguese XLI" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
"My Highland Lassie, O" by Robert Burns "'Til There Was You" by The Beatles "from the Portuguese XXIX" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
"To A Kiss" by Robert Burns "Take My Breath Away" by Berlin "from the Portuguese X" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
"Deep Love" by David Wexler "Magic" by The Cars "from the Portuguese VII" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
"The Cycle of Love" by David Wexler "You Might Think" by The Cars "If Love..." by Luis de Gongora
"Il Penseroso" by John Milton "Life Is A Highway" by Tom Cochrane "Cupid and My Campaspe Play'd" by John Lyly
"I Knew A Woman" by Theodore Roethke "Dreams" by The Cranberries "Modern Love: XVI" by George Meredith
"Remembrance" by Emily Bronte "Just Like Heaven" by The Cure "Sonnet XVIII" by William Shakespeare
"Give All to Love" by Ralph Waldo Emerson "Love song" by The Cure "Sonnet XIX" by William Shakespeare
"Love's Infiniteness" by John Donne "Higher Love" by Depeche Mode "Love's Philosophy" by Percy Bysshe Shelley
"Sweetest Love, I do not go" by John Donne "Love Will Keep Us Alive" by The Eagles "Rhyme XXI (What is Poetry?)" by Gustavo Adolfo Becquer
"The Ecstasy" by John Donne "Oh L'amour" by Erasure "Rhyme XXIII (For a Glance)" by Gustavo Adolfo Becquer
"To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time" by Robert Herrick "You Surround Me" by Erasure "Rhyme LXXXI (Eternal Love)" by Gustavo Adolfo Becquer
"Annabel Lee" by Edgar Allan Poe "Everywhere" by Fleetwood Mac "Desire" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
"Romance" by Edgar Allan Poe "I Want to Know What Love Is" by Foreigner "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel


Valentine's Day and Cupid and crafts projects, love, and greeting cards.

Valentine's Day


  A Story - Flirting

The minister arose to address his congregation. "There is a certain man among us today who is flirting with another man's wife.
Unless he puts ten dollars in the collection box, his name will be read from the pulpit." When the collection plate came in,
 there were 19 ten dollar bills, and a five dollar bill with this note attached: "Other five on payday."


 More on love and love songs




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