Goda & varma vantar väntar! |
Key ingredients: ISPs, telephone networks, routers, private networks, company networks (LANs & WANs), servers and stand-alones, workstations, mainframes, computer websites, intranets, homepages, open & public databases, university networks, multinational networks, corporate networks and still more routers, routers, servers and routers doing the work of arranging and guiding the traffic.
Not to mention web browsers, modems, ISDN, A/D converters, gateways, bridges and protocols of all sorts.
... och så var det ju "det där med VPN"... etc,
och vad är då detta?
VPN är
privat nätverk” – som skyddar en
internetanslutning (och
integritet) på internet med en krypterad tunnel för dina data. VPN
skyddar din identitet online (döljer din IP-adress) och medverkar till att
du kan använda
offentliga wifi-hotspots på ett mer säkert sätt.
The Internet
is like a huge network of networks; servers, computers, mainframes, websites,
homepages, traditional desktop telephones, cell phones & telephone wires,
optic & copper cable networks, cable TV networks, routers, satellites and
other means of communication, all intertwined into one gigantic network where
anything and anybody might be reached, read, listened to, looked at, copied
or manipulated depending upon various safety measures, technical equipment, user
literacy and aims or goals involved.
Mail and mailing have never
been easier!
Information resources, good or bad, have never ever before been so easily accessible for such a vast majority of people and interests, no matter of what origin.
Never before have information masses of any substance been so easily gathered or distributed, for better or worse.
Some people say they are afraid of the
dark, some might be afraid of the jungle and there's always somebody afraid of
Virginia Wolf.
The Internet has
already absorbed lots and lots of people all over the world resulting in
behavior similar to addiction of some sort. Don't get addicted!
The Internet
be used with care and deliberation, similar to reading a newspaper, a
professional magazine or using a library.
You can definitely use it as a piece of
entertainment and already lots of people find it a worthwhile gadget for passing
If you have unlimited amount of time to spend doing nothing but passing
time, be my guest.
Always bear in mind the complexity of the Internet and you'll be home free.
As telephone networks are crucial to the Internet, so far...
the ISPs (Internet Service Providers) are often one and the same as the telephone network provider.
It's obvious why and how this happened. It was of course both convenient, handy and probably in some respect even fortunate for the development of the Internet into what it has become today.
However, the fact that the ISPs and the telephone networks in some case are owned and operated pretty much by the same organization and funds might not turn out in favor of the PC user, the surfer. Look at the way Telia in Sweden sits on all the resources one way or the other.
There is talk lately about that there has been some sort of competition established in Sweden but basically it's hard to see where and how. Tradition has it that the Swedish Government, Telia and some major organizations are so closely knitted together that a truly free enterprise within the telephony market is yet to be seen.
Satellites, as a replacement and improvement to some of the existing "earth-bound" telephone networks on the ground, will most certainly become one of the major future steps in the "upgrade" of the whole Internet that sooner or later is bound to happen.
in Cloud
Control over Data
Protocols are rules, or sets of rules, used to stipulate/regulate/specify
how the exchange of information should or must be accomplished.
The most widely used protocols on the Internet belong to a group referrred to as
TCP/IP, short for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.
av de s.k. protokoll som gör surfande och e-postande möjligt skall du känna
till och de är i första hand följande:
TCP/IP, short for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
FTP, short for File Transfer Protocol, when you want to transfer a file from one
computer to another.
To quickly obtain the TCP/IP configuration of a computer, open Command Prompt, and then type ...
Use your Help Resources by pressing the keyboard's F1 in the top row. Det finns
hur mycket hjälp, råd och förklaringar som helst här!
On a regular PC with MS Windows installed you simply click
and choose HELP!
Here you may find lots of facts about the
Microsoft systems,
Windows, e.g.
Windows 10.
Vill du ha information om Microsofts
Windows 10?
även gärna här!
Now what? ... is Windows 11 really about ..?
More on PCs, datorer &
can of course also try the FAQs and WebCasts or search the Knowledge Base
Microsoft for articles targeted to your problem at
SMTP, short for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, for sending e-mail
HTTP, short for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, when an HTML-page is being sent
from a web server to a client
(from server to a user; client= a user PC).
Why? Jo därför att du måste kunna göra i ordning din dator för uppkoppling
och användning gentemot Internet då du skaffar en egen ny dator eller
installerar nya eller andra program.
När man "konfigurerar" en dator, anpassar den för ett visst användningsområde
eller gör nyinstallation etc,
så är det vissa funktioner i
systemprogrammet som måste aktiveras
eller startas och de ovannämnda s.k.
protokollen kommer vi inte ifrån.
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