Här finner du datorrelaterade glosor & ordlistor av olika slag, vart och ett med sitt speciella innehåll. 

Below you will find various computer related words and glossaries, each focusing on its own particular content.


You may think, and ponder "We live and we learn",
we do need to do a bit of reading to cope in the modern world.

Progress is not dished out to you simply because you're in this world.

-Klicka & prova så förstår du!
-Click & try and you'll see!



File Extensions etc

Filändelse - File Extension

Filändelse, program och öppning

Chalmers bibliotek

Search at Chalmers, GÖTEBORG

Datorhandbokens ordlista

Handelshögskolan, STOCKHOLM

Datorterminologi - Sökbar databas

The Internet Language Dictionary

 What is a GLOSSARY?
Webopedia - Dictionary & search for computer & Internet


Why a forklift?



Känner du till de vanligaste hårdvarutermerna på både svenska och engelska?

Om inte så rekommenderas du att besöka denna sida!


Do you know the most common hardware vocabulary in both Swedish and English?

If not, you're recommended to visit this page!

Swengelsk Datorordlista

Dataord förklaras  - PC för alla

Flera datorordlistor   




Desktop PCs, Workstations, or laptops..?


Netlingo: Includes definitions (English)

Cybernetics and Systems: Includes definitions (English)

Marketing Terms.com - Internet Marketing Dictionary: Includes definitions (English)

Game Dictionary: Includes definitions (English) [905 words

 CNET Internet

Computer Telephony & Electronics Dictionary and Glossary: Includes definitions (English)

Database Glossary: Includes definitions (English), synonyms, illustrations, example phrases [88 words, 13Jul2006]

Glossary of Internet Terms: Includes definitions (English), illustrations [360 words, 1Jul2006]

Hacking Lexicon: Includes definitions (English) [535 words, 20Aug2006]


Internet Terms: Includes definitions (English)

Linktionary Networking Glossary: Includes definitions (English) [1066 words, 22Jul2003]

Lexikon & gratis engelska ordlistor
... | ONLINE DICTIONARIES |. ... Below you will find mainly various computer related dictionaries

CNET Internet Glossary
-includes definitions (647 words as of Jan 29 2000)

  Cybernetics and Systems

PC Webopædia
-includes definitions (3631 words as of Jan 29 2000)
Whatis.com Computer
-includes definitions (1291 words as of Jan 15 2000)


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