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U.S. Social Security Death Index |
Emigrationen från
Resan från
Göteborgs hamn
Svenskarna i Amerika
Utvandringen från Sverige -
Svenska Emigrantinstitutet
Swedish Immigration to North America
OneGreatFamily.com Genealogy and Largest Online Family Tree
Databasen Arkion, Sollefteå (folkräkning = census, official enumeration of inhabitants) 1890 Swedish census
Sveriges folkbokföring från slutet av 1600-talet, Project Genline, estimated completion 2004. Some of the regions have already been finished. Here you'll find registration information regarding inhabitants in Sweden from the late 1600s onward.
Sweden and Finland are probably the best countries in the world for conducting genealogical research. |
RIKSARKIVET - The National Archives
of Sweden
Archives of Sweden
Stockholm is one of the smallest towns still thriving in the state of
It was founded in 1854 by a group of Swedish Immigrants
from Karlskoga.
This small Pepin County town with the population of
is the oldest Swedish settlement in western Wisconsin.
It has
been a regional arts and crafts center since the 1970s.
Today, this
quaint little community on the shores of Lake Pepin boasts a number
of galleries
and antique shops as well as eateries housed in
perfectly restored 19th-century buildings.
The old post office is
now home to the Stockholm Museum, with displays of memorabilia from
the early Swedish settlers in the area.
The first Swedish settler was Eric Peterson, who arrived in 1851.
He was soon followed by a host of fellow Scandinavians,
influence has been felt ever since.
Since the first arts fair
was organized in the 1970s,
the arts community has been another
important influence.
But there's more than craftsmanship to be
found here.
The scenery here is wonderful and the near view may
be all restored 19th-century charm,
but the perspective offers
the compelling geography of the Mississippi River.
Boating and
swimming are two of the many ways to enjoy the area while
camping in the village park.
Visitor Information 119 Spring Street Stockholm,
Wisconsin 54769
Tel. 715-442-2015 Fax. 715-442-3606
Wisconsin State & County Quick
Based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the Swedish Council of America is the national umbrella for all Swedish-American organizations. We unite over 200 organizations in the United States, Canada, and in Sweden in their efforts to preserve and promote Swedish heritage. Swedish Council of America (SCA) was founded in 1972 by four leading Swedish-American institutions: American Swedish Institute in Minneapolis, The American Swedish Historical Foundation in Philadelphia, the Swedish-American Historical Society in Chicago, and Detroit Swedish Council in Detroit. |
Lindsborg, Kansas USA
"Little Sweden"
Immigration Collection, approximately 3,000 cataloged volumes, was established as a special subject collection in the 1960s by the Augustana College Library and is currently maintained by the Center as a major collection of printed source materials on Swedish immigration to North America and Swedish-American culture.
Svenskamerikansk bibliografi (Swam)
Dalesburg Scandinavian Association, S.Dak.
Swedish-American Newspaper Nordstjernan
MyFamily.com (www.myfamily.com) is
the leading password-protected community on the Internet for families.
Families can post news, create family albums, hold live voice and text
chats and maintain a calendar of events in a secure environment.
MyFamily.com also offers free online family history software that enables
multiple family members to collaboratively update their family trees.
Ancestry.com (www.ancestry.com) is
the leading resource for family history online. The site offers over 1
billion names in over 3,000 unique databases. New records are being added
to the site each business day. With a paid subscription base of over
500,000 Ancestry.com is the third largest paid subscription site on the
Internet behind ConsumerReports.org and the Wall Street Journal’s WSJ.com.
FamilyHistory.com (www.familyhistory.com) provides access to the
Ancestry.com.com Message Boards and the FGS Society Hall, where visitors
can learn about genealogy societies in their area.
RootsWeb.com (www.rootsweb.com) is
the oldest and largest free online community for genealogists. The site
contains extensive interactive guides and numerous research tools for
tracing family histories. On RootsWeb the site's WorldConnect Project
contains more than 73 million ancestor names. The RootsWeb Surname List
consists of a registry of nearly one million surnames submitted by more
than 216,000 online genealogists. RootsWeb also boasts approximately
22,000 mailing lists and 175,000 message boards.
FamilyHistory.com (www.familyhistory.com)
provides free family history message boards allowing genealogists to share
and exchange information on their work. The message boards are a valuable
resource for those looking for information on surnames, geographic areas
and specific research topics.
Föreningen Släktdata Webbplats:
Popularitet: 549 klick/månad.
Utgiven av Föreningen Släktdata. Ämnesord: Data, Källor: Kyrkliga,
Medlemsföreningar Personregister till kyrkböcker för följande
församlingar (registren kan också laddas ner): Acklinga /R,
Agnetorp /R, Ale-Skövde /P, Alingsås Sf /P, Ambjörnarp /P, Baltak
/R, Björkäng /R, Botilsäter /S, Bottna /O, Brastad /O, Bro /O,
Daretorp /R, Delsbo /X, Eksta /
DIS 20 år - 2000
Världens första och största förening
för datorhjälp i släktforskning
Grundad 1980 - i dag med
över 12 000 medlemmar!
Största medlemsföreningen i Sveriges Släktforskarförbund
DIMA Canberra Library
Australian Department of Immigration and Multicultural
Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce
City of Chicago Information - by the Chicago Public Library
Chicago! - by the University of Chicago
Ortnamnssällskapet i Uppsala, Sekr, Uppsala
Box 135, 751 04 UPPSALA
..."have done a tremendous job in the area of place-name
research in Sweden."
Name research, history and inventory, primarily focusing on place-names, but articles related to persons and families do occur and are researched and documented in place and time.
Yearbooks are published and distributed to members of the
Articles and essays based on inquiries & questions regarding
various names are regularly published in the local newspaper in
Uppsala. Most of these are later published in a booklet once a
Uppsala Nya Tidning, Namnspalten, Likt och Olikt,
36, 751 03 UPPSALA 1.
Demografiska Databas Södra Sverige - datoriserar kyrboksregister och tillgängliggör bearbetade register på Internet.
West Coast
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