Nypon - rosehip  

Nypon på Vassholmen








Nypon - rosehip  






syn - Nyper, njupon, jupon, törnebuske, nypetorn, vipentorn, sömntorn, sömnros, rosa, hyvenbär, hypa, hypen, göper, klonger, bärbuske 

1) Äppelros, nyponros, luktnypon
2) Stenros, nyponros, vildros, törnros
3) Hartsros
4) Vresros 
5) Köttnypon, nyponros
6) Kanelros, smörnypon


Hemgjord - Home made  'NYPONSOPPA'         
dog rose - nyponros (botanic)



Musk rose  
1) Eglantine, sweet briar, wild briar, pimpernel rose
2) Dog rose, wild rose, wild briar, hip rose




One serious problem here is simply the pronunciation
and sometimes of course
the confusion that goes with it.
Swedish 'nypon' - English 'Nippon' as English doesn't have a long voiced 'y'.
'Nippon' of course meaning the native name of Japan= great land of the rising sun.


At a business lunch in Sweden, or anywhere else in the world for that matter,
trying to impose or introduce the outstanding dessert consisting of lukewarm rosehip soup
 with vanilla ice cream and grated hazel-nuts might create more than an obstacle.

 1) Luktnypon   2) Den virtuella floran: Stenros   4) Den virtuella floran: Vresros   5) Den virtuella floran: Köttnypon


rose, more of a regular kind



nypa & nypas - pinch

nyp - pinch

"ett nyp"
(vardagligt uttryck - a Swedish slang expression-colloquialism)
a quickie, bang, have a bang; an occasional & impulsive act of sexual intercourse
including a man & a woman, an act based upon a mutual and temporary attraction
of two individuals of opposite sexes

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English  'rose' (a kind flower)=  Swedish 'ros' (en sorts blomma)

English  'hip' (from the waist to the thigh)=  Swedish 'höft' (del av kroppen mellan midja & lår)
[ English 
'hip' används även som modeord = cool, trendigt inne,  festlig, häftig, etc - to be hip ]




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