Rattlesnake & El Paso Texas

The City

The Rattling Snake & Vicinity

Skallerorm - Rattlesnake - Crotalus atrox 

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Diamondback Rattlesnake is one of the most poisonous snakes in the world.
It can be identified by the rattles on the end of its tail which are horny rings loosely fit together into one another.


 ...en av de mest giftiga ormarna i världen .
Den känns igen på sina skallror i stjärtspetsen som består av löst sammanfogade "ringar" av ett benliknande material.




När det gäller skallerorm ute i det fria, i ett naturligt habitat,

bör man tänka enligt mottot i US Coast Guard Semper Paratus
meaning "Always Ready" and shortened to Semper Par,
the official motto of US Coast Guard
 and appears on the organization's flag.


[These two pics are from AZ!]

Rattlesnake Recipe - Skallerormsrecept

You start by skinning the snake and cutting 3" to 4" pieces.

Börja med att flå ormen och skär sedan bitar om 7 till 10 centimeter långa.

Roll in mixture of flour, corn meal, milk and egg.

Rulla sedan bitarna i en blandning av bakmjöl (vetemjöl), majsmjöl, mjölk och ägg.

Salt and pepper.

Salta och peppra.

Deep fry (in hot oil).

Flottyrkoka (i het olja).

Serve hot.

Serveras varm.


Serve with beer and tequila, or with chilled white wine.

Serveras med öl & tequila, eller med kylt vitt vin.

Cactus - kaktus

El Paso Convention & Visitors

Texas Department of Transportation Texas Highways Magazine

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Texas Road Conditions

Applebee's Neighborhood Grill
5800 N. Mesa St., El Paso  TX (915)833-8899

LA Posta Motor Lodge
4111 N. Mesa St., El Paso  TX (915)544-2311

Mesa Inn Hotel
4151 N. Mesa St., El Paso  TX (915)532-7911

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