Auto Shop One, English 

Verb 1a

Översättningsövning - Nutid, presens (Present Tense)



Här kan du se några olika lösningsförslag!





-Är du verkligen färdig?




bil, blå, bättre, har

A blue car isn't as good as a red car when it comes to visibility and road safety.

The red car is much better because you can easily see a red car.

Of course, if you don't like red or reddish colored cars, blue ones are always better looking to you as a matter of taste, right?

I have a blue car which is much better than my dad's red car.

(Mother has never had a blue car. Mother never had a blue car.)


ljuddämpare (x2), 
trasig, fel, är

Your muffler is worn and all too rusty to repair. There's not much to weld on when it's in that condition.

You need to mend/fix/repair your silencer because it's broken in two. Your muffler is shot and you need to put a new one on.

There is a new muffler on the second shelf in row twelve that you can take. 


hö framhjul, fel,
det är/det finns

There's something really wrong with my car and the right front wheel seems to be missing.

There are only three wheels on my car and I can't seem to find the fourth wheel.

There's something wrong with the front right rim because it seems to eat all the rubber. 


navkapsel, röd, repig, är

I hate red hubcaps and especially when they get scratched like that.

My left rear hubcap looks "like shit", with scratches all over.


växelspak, krokig/böjd, lutar

My sister's gear shift /floor shift/gear lever/ is all crooked.
Somebody must have bent it too because it leans way out towards the passenger door. 


vindrutetorkare (x2),
gummi, finns

Always make sure you have good rubber on your windshield/windscreen wipers
as there's never any chance of replacing them when you need them.

Good windshield wipers have good rubber on them.


koffertlucka (x2),
handtag, saknas

There's a handle missing on my trunk lid.

 There seems to be a handle missing on your boot lid.


motorhuv (x2), färg,
 slipar, (finslipa=  sand)

Your paint is peeling in places on your hood.

 Is that why you are sanding it every night after dark?

 I've heard some of your  power-tools working late this week.


matta, golvmatta, utsliten, är

You should really throw that mat out the door this very minute.
It's worn out to the degree that it doesn't serve its purpose any longer. Your carpeting in the back is really worn out .

 You should consider (be thinking about)  replacing your carpeting in the back.


tändstift, rostig/-t, tre, fattas

One sparkplug is extremely rusty and three  are missing!

No wonder it's not working.

Put some new sparkplugs in it and it'll be running in a minute.


tändning, justera/ -s, bättre/mer-a

This ignition needs adjustment.

That coil might not be the right model for this car.

 Let's replace the coil and I bet your ignition will work a whole lot better.


kylare, läcker/läckage, kylarvätska, behöver

When a radiator leaks like that, there isn't really much to pray for.

You've got anti-freeze all over this car.

 What you need is to put a new one in.

 Let's replace your old radiator with the one I have in my car. 


fläktrem, fel, storlek,
slät/jämn, är

There seems to be something wrong with my fan belt.

 I would think it's the wrong type of belt.

Mine shouldn't be smooth like that.

Someone has mounted a belt which isn't really the right type of belt for my car and I need it replaced ASAP.


bult, mutter, bricka,
för lång, saknas

There's a washer missing here and we'll  need a bolt, a lock-nut and two washers,
but don't grab a bolt that's too long. 
-"Lätt som en plätt!" = "Piece of cake!" 


handskfack,  lucka,
går inte, öppen/öppna

The glove compartment (lid) can't be opened!

The lid seems to be stuck somehow and won't open.


-"What goes around comes around!"






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